You’re busy. Like everyone else, you have a million things to do, seemingly every minute of every day. When you’re not sitting in traffic or working your day job, you’re cooking, cleaning, and folding laundry. But you love yoga. It’s your oasis, your escape, your one hour a day to get away.
Making the decision to train your chakras is something that only you can do, but once you take the first step you will quickly learn it is one of the best decisions you will ever make. With the availability of online courses, there has never been an easier time to do this.
While yogi practices have been known for many centuries now, Kundalini Yoga has appeared quite recently. However, it was not invented in the 20th century but it was only uncovered and made public in the 1960s. Practices of Kundalini Yoga are much older, and for a long time, they were kept in secret.
Yoga has been a popular workout for strength, flexibility, balance, and energy for decades. Many people love to practice in a gym or other club that hosts live yoga workouts. However, more people are opting for streaming platforms that host both live and pre-recorded sessions for download.
The average person spends roughly 7 hours online in a typical day. Those hours include streaming videos, surfing websites, engaging on social media, texting and more.
Most people are getting into the groove of practicing Yoga due to its immense benefits. Yoga isn't just good for your body but also helps tone your muscles, increase blood circulation and deeper breathing patterns. Yoga also helps in improving mood and anxiety.
Nowadays, life has become hectic, and all we do is go, go, go. Yoga Nidra offers relaxation in an intensely busy life. Yoga Nidra is a special kind of Yoga that provides relaxation as deep as a non-rapid eye movement (N-REM) sleep stage. N-REM is a sleep stage without dreams, just a deep relaxatio
As a teacher trained in children’s yoga and who has delivered many kids' yoga classes over the years, I highly recommend this enriching and joyful path! Giving the gift of yoga to the next generation is rewarding and meaningful, but it is also significantly different from teaching adults. It’s i
Yoga teacher training online is the best thing that ever happened to yoga instructors. Being able to pursue your yoga training means that the course is self-paced, and you can take it for however long you may need to. Even though Yoga Alliance permitted yoga teacher training online due to the lack o
Do you have a great self-care routine? Perhaps you’re a yoga and meditation practitioner or you may have even gone through a yoga teacher training course or even children's yoga teacher training. And you would like to make a career out of teaching yoga and meditation but are worried about running