The Best Breathwork Teacher Trainings


n a time marked by hustle, endless demands, and ever-increasing stressors, the pursuit of inner peace and holistic well-being has become an imperative. Amidst this tumultuous landscape, the ancient practice of breathwork has emerged as a strong remedy, offering a profound journey into self-discovery and healing. The art of harnessing the breath has now found its place in contemporary wellness, transcending boundaries and uniting seekers from all walks of life.

As the transformative power of breathwork gains recognition, it’s not just individuals seeking solace who are turning to this practice. An increasing number of aspiring breathwork facilitators are answering the call to become guides on this remarkable journey. If you find yourself drawn to the idea of helping others unlock their inner potential through the magic of the breath, you may be considering a breathwork teacher training. But with a multitude of options available, how do you choose the best one for your personal and professional growth?

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The Best Breathwork Teacher Trainings

In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a quest to discover the best breathwork teacher trainings, delving deep into the heart of this transformative practice. Over the course of 1,750 words, we’ll explore the essence of breathwork, the qualities of an exceptional teacher training program, and the top destinations to pursue this path of mastery. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your understanding or a newcomer ready to take your first breath, this article will serve as your compass, guiding you towards the most enriching and authentic breathwork teacher training experiences.

Join us on this journey as we breathe life into the world of breathwork, unveiling the secrets to becoming a skilled facilitator capable of empowering others on their own profound voyage within.

1. The Whole Health Project’s Trauma Aware Breath Coach Online Training

Encompassing 25 hours of in-depth instruction, this program takes a comprehensive, science-backed, holistic approach to breathwork, further enriched by a bonus 10-hour Trauma Aware Facilitation Training, co-facilitated by Clinical Psychologist, Lic. Begoña Garcia. Designed to cater to individuals seeking to enhance their personal breath practice and acquire a trauma-informed approach, this training equips participants with the tools to support clients in overcoming various physical, mental, and emotional challenges.

This Yoga Alliance International (YACEP) registered training welcomes anyone looking to deepen their own breath practice while embracing a trauma-aware perspective to aid clients in conquering physical, mental, and emotional obstacles. What sets this breath coach training apart is its practical and supportive approach, striving to be inclusive and straightforward, making it accessible to individuals of all ages, from young children to centenarians. While participants have the flexibility to complete the training at their own pace, the program fosters interaction and knowledge exchange through monthly live Q&A sessions and an online forum. With affordability at its core (starting as low as $82/month), this training empowers you to provide your clients with the profound healing potential of breathwork, creating an impactful and transformative experience.

Additionally, for those aspiring to expand their teaching repertoire to include Yin Yoga or Meditation, the Trauma Aware Breath Coach Online Training offers practitioner bundles. Enrolling in the Trauma Aware Breath Coach Training alongside Meditation Teacher Training and/or Yin Teacher Training unlocks substantial discounts, allowing you to elevate your skills in multiple domains while saving on your educational journey. Explore the practitioner bundles, including the Breath & Yin Yoga Bundle, the Meditation & Yin Yoga Bundle, the Meditation & Breath Bundle, and the comprehensive Meditation, Breath & Yin Yoga Bundle, to find the perfect combination to fulfill your professional aspirations.

The Details:

Length: 25 hours
Price: $429
Location: Online

2. Jon Paul Crimi’s Breathwork Training

Jon Paul Crimi’s online breathwork teacher training course offers both personal healing and the tools to guide others. It starts with a transformative Five-Day Emotional Detox, followed by Basics and One-on-One Training, focusing on one effective technique. The final module, How to Lead Couples and Groups, enhances your group leadership and relationship healing skills.

This comprehensive course is suitable for beginners and experts, with lifetime access for self-paced learning. It requires upfront payment and has a no-refund policy, emphasizing the importance of commitment. Overall, it’s a transformative journey to become a skilled breathwork coach, both personally and professionally. For more details, check out the accompanying Jon Paul Crimi Breathwork Review article.

The Details:

Length: varies depending on bundle
Price: $1,399 for the basics and $2,500 for the four bundle
Location: Online

3. My Vinyasa Practice’s Pranayama Certification Course

My Vinyasa Practice introduces a Yoga-centric Pranayama Certification course, offering comprehensive insights and practical techniques to enable confident instruction in integrating Breathwork seamlessly into yoga sessions or as standalone Breathwork Classes.

What sets My Vinyasa Practice apart is their commitment to knowledge, backed by an engaged and expert staff, and a track record of consistently producing top-rated certifications. This course covers essential topics including the anatomy of breathwork, understanding the breath’s role in communication, an overview of the nervous system, and techniques for breath regulation. With this course, you have the opportunity to master the art of breathwork, enhancing your ability to guide others in this transformative practice, ultimately contributing to a more enriching and holistic yoga experience.

The Details:

Price: $420 when paid in full
Location: Online

4. Oxygen Advantage’s Functional Breathing Coach

Becoming a certified Oxygen Advantage™ Functional Breathing Coach offers an exciting path for those passionate about enhancing sports performance, health, and overall well-being through the incredible potential of breath. This comprehensive online breath coaching program equips you with invaluable knowledge and practical techniques to optimize performance, improve sleep quality, boost energy and concentration, alleviate anxiety, and address various health issues. The training takes a scientific and accessible approach to functional breathing, enabling coaches to empower and assist clients based on their unique needs.

Throughout this program, you will master the optimization of breathing patterns across three essential dimensions: the biochemical dimension (normalizing blood carbon dioxide levels), the biomechanical dimension (enhancing diaphragm strength and function), and cadence or coherent breathing (attaining optimal nervous system balance and blood gas exchange). Additionally, you’ll acquire the skill to teach exercises that promote nasal decongestion and establish nasal breathing—a crucial component for optimizing oxygen intake, reducing stress, and enhancing overall respiratory function.

This transformative program, priced at $395, requires approximately 100 hours of online tutorials and course material study. Most instructors successfully pass their certification exam within one to three months of registration, earning their Functional Breathing certificate from OxygenAdvantage™. With this certification in hand, you’ll have the power to positively impact the lives of your students, clients, or patients. Whether your aim is to support athletes in achieving their performance goals, guide individuals towards improved sleep and stress management, facilitate weight loss and lifestyle changes, or promote overall longevity, the Oxygen Advantage™ Functional Breathing Coach certification sets you on a rewarding journey through the profound and accessible realm of breath.

The Details:

Length: 100 hours
Price: $395
Location: Online

5. White Tiger Breathwork Mastery Course & Teacher Training

At White Tiger Qigong, the synthesis of ancient Eastern mind and body practices with cutting-edge neuroscience and sports science creates a transformative system. This integration is designed to synchronize your body and mind, fostering both physical mobility and mental mindfulness, ultimately unlocking your untapped peak performance potential.

Experience the perfect blend of ancient breathwork techniques and modern science through the White Tiger Breathwork Mastery Course & Teacher Training. This program is tailored to alleviate chronic stress, allowing you to access your full potential and elevate your overall well-being. As you progress through the course, you’ll witness remarkable improvements in various facets of your life. You have the flexibility to choose individual levels and learn at your own pace. 

  1. Beginning with Level 1: The Foundations, you’ll explore the theory, science, and fundamentals of Qigong breathing, mastering eight foundational exercises, and gaining insights into Qigong breathing theory. 
  2. Level 2: Neuroscience takes you deeper into complex Qigong Breathwork techniques while unraveling the fascinating neuroscience of breathing, with 13 advanced breathing techniques and an exploration of meditative states. 
  3. Advancing to Level 3: Advanced, you’ll learn to employ Qigong Breathing as alternative medicine, drawing from cutting-edge fascia science research to create natural remedies for stress and trauma, guided by the expertise of world-renowned fascia expert, Chris Kummer. 
  4. Level 4: Here, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge to educate, inspire, and help others cultivate a profound breathwork practice, using modern teaching techniques employed by professional educators as a certified White Tiger Qigong Breathwork Facilitator.

Every participation in a White Tiger Qigong training or purchase of their products contributes to the protection of rainforests and wildlife in Borneo, Indonesia, in collaboration with the Borneo Nature Foundation. By enrolling in all levels, you’ll unlock the complete potential of this transformative course, enabling you to teach Qigong breathing techniques, manage diverse class sizes, and embark on a fulfilling career as a certified White Tiger Qigong Breathwork Facilitator, creating a positive impact on your life and the lives of others.

The Details:

Length: 100 hours
Price: $395
Location: Online

Conclusion on the Best Breathwork Teacher Trainings

We have embarked on a journey through a myriad of transformative possibilities in breathwork training. From ancient practices to modern science, these trainings offer the keys to unlocking the incredible potential of the breath. Whether you seek to guide others towards inner healing, wish to deepen your own personal practice, or aspire to facilitate mindfulness and well-being on a broader scale, the options explored here provide diverse pathways to mastery. The world of breathwork is vast, and the best teacher training programs are the ones that resonate with your personal journey and aspirations.

As we conclude our exploration of the best breathwork teacher trainings, one overarching truth emerges: the breath is not just the force of life but the essence of our existence. It holds the power to heal, transform, and awaken. Choosing the right teacher training is a deeply personal decision, one that aligns with your goals and resonates with your heart. Regardless of your choice, embarking on this journey is a profound step towards understanding the intricate dance between breath, body, and consciousness. 

So, take a deep breath, trust in your path, and let the transformative journey of breathwork lead you towards a life enriched with vitality, peace, and boundless potential.

Caleb Sharbono is a writer, bio-hacker, wellness advocate, and yogi. Caleb, who grew up on a small Montana ranch, joined the Navy at 17 to study cryptology. He later graduated from the US Naval Academy with a Minor in Mandarin, a Bachelor's in General Engineering, and a Major in English Literature. Caleb's interests and career cover diverse industries and disciplines. Caleb lives in San Antonio and is a Certified Yoga Instructor. He is also studying Zen Buddhism, practicing Holistic Psychology, and working towards his 300-hour yoga teacher training.


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