Bali is a lovely Indonesian island. It’s also one of the most popular locations for yoga, filled with prominent yoga schools and spots for yoga retreats.
Intermediate Poses are a kind of tricky area in defining exactly which ones are or aren’t because of the subjective nature of defining what is “difficult” as a yoga pose. In general, the list below is a selection of poses that have at least some degree of difficulty in a combination of attri
Welcome to the world of yoga! Or, what we at Online Yoga Planet like to call: Some of the best tips and insights into Yoga on the Planet. As in all new adventures and “things to learn” in life there is the beginning and of course they journey towards mastery. Does mastery even come in Yoga?
One of the most elegant yoga poses out there and also the most vulnerable, Dancer’s Pose acts as both a hip opener as well as balancing pose. Dancer’s Pose is considered an intermediate pose due to the difficulty balancing and opposing extensions but it can be a great pose to boost confidence
So, you’re ready to try arm balances! Or, maybe at a recent flow class the instructor snuck one of them in and you were having fun with it but realized a little at-home work would be needed before tackling it in the next session. Whatever the reason you landed here we’re ready to help you ta
Wheel Pose is that crazy fun shape you got into as a kid with no concerns in the world and where it was simply fun to make everyone upside down. In the practice of yoga of course we learn that Wheel Pose is a great heart-opening pose that allows us to press away from the earth with our hands and f
Because you can’t go naked! .. at least not to most Yoga classes. If you could and if the weather cooperated maybe the top wouldn’t be necessary at all. But, for the sake of not being arrested for public indecency and because having the right top completes the outfit anyway we’ve narrowe
Probably one of the most popular forms of Yoga today and often the foundation for many studios and their creative expansion into new styles, Ashtanga is a series of traditional asanas that are put into sequence with specific lengths of time held in each one and rarely a deviation to the order.
Your body has within it the energy necessary and needed to accomplish so many things! The question is, how do you get this energy out? How do we circulate the energy and use our natural reserves instead of relying and artificial sources? The answer is Kundalini.
The Warrior 2 Pose, or Virabhadrasana II, is a staple within the ashtanga yoga series and one of the most common yoga poses out there.