earning yoga and finding the right form of yoga that fits you specifically is important. Yoga is so diverse that you can blend it with other forms to create a powerful body and mind. An example of this would be acro yoga. Acro Yoga is when you blend Yoga and acrobatics together to make an art of positions that flow together. If you are looking for the best acro yoga classes to begin your journey, then you are at the right place.
Regardless of your skill or experience, each of these classes can help you get started learning and practicing acro yoga. Read on to learn more about the five best acro yoga classes online.
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What is Acro Yoga?
Acro Yoga is a form of partner yoga that incorporates acrobatics, typically practiced in pairs. The word acro comes from the Greek word akros meaning “on high” or “at the top,” alluding to acrobatic maneuvers.
One partner supports the other in an inverted position, and then they switch roles. The support requires the sustained holding of difficult poses by both partners- one upside down and one right side up and equally challenging arm balances for both partners.
The history of Acro Yoga is relatively unknown. Acro Yoga originated in the early 1970s in Antwerp, Belgium, as a form of therapy for children with Down syndrome, which was at that time known as “therapeutic acrobatics.” Then, around 2000, some people in California independently developed it, and it spread worldwide.
The fun exercise has caught on in groups looking for alternative ways to stay healthy while also challenging creativity. The moves can be dangerous because if a participant falls, they could either seriously injure themselves or their partner.
It’s best to practice Acro Yoga in settings with soft ground and work your way up to places with hard floors.
Is it possible to learn Acro Yoga through an Online Course?
You will be able to learn Acro Yoga through several online courses that cover different beginner poses. The courses will show you how to activate the poses and different techniques you can use if you are struggling.
Courses are perfect for anyone getting into Acro Yoga because they provide step-by-step instructions on how you can become a better practitioner. This type of one-on-one guidance will get you to your acro goals much faster.
Although you can learn Acro Yoga from online courses, you will still need a partner with you to become proficient. You can practice some of the poses without a partner, but you will not be able to practice balance and strength without a partner.
If you can’t find an immediate partner to help you practice, you may be able to find one in your local community. Reach out through online acro groups to see if someone in your area is interested in practicing with you.
Depending on your physical strength at the time you start the exercises you might need to build up before you can pull off the moves. You need to be confident in your ability to hold your partner to prevent any injuries or mistakes.
How Can I Learn Acro Yoga Alone?
When it comes to learning acro yoga you typically have two people that work together to create motions and positions as a team. Although you typically have two people you are very capable of still completing acro yoga alone. Completing acro yoga alone can help you learn more about your body and strength within yourself. It can help you connect your mind and body together.
Finding ways to learn any topic can be difficult, especially online as it takes thorough research.
- When you are on the search to learn about a new topic you need to ensure that the information is accurate and beneficial to you
- You have the option of selecting from multiple different platforms to get what you need
As with any physical activity, you should always consult your physician to ensure you are physically able to participate in the activity at the level that will be in the lesson.
Reliable Websites
One good thing about the internet is people are capable of creating websites that spread information through the population at a fast rate. If you start researching websites you will likely be able to find an abundance of information and can practice yoga in the comfort of your own home. Use caution and choose sites with instructions geared to your level.
When it comes to websites they can include large amounts of information on the topic you have an interest in. They can have blogs and articles that explain information in depth. They can have videos for you to watch as a visual learning opportunity. They can also allow you to interact with other individuals that know about the topic at hand.
YouTube is a social platform that was created for people to share different things visually. If you are looking to learn about acro yoga and are a visual learner, this is a great option for you.
YouTube will allow you to watch videos explaining information step by step. This can guide you to becoming your best version of an acro yoga performer.
The best way to learn any topic is to take classes on the specific area in mind. You can find many online classes that will allow you to learn from home and perfect your skills.
When choosing the class you will want to evaluate the instructor and ensure that you connect with them properly. Connecting with yourself and understanding the guidance is very important in relation to mastering forms of yoga. Yoga is not only a form of exercise for building muscle strength, but it is a way to connect your body and mind.
This helps you strengthen your mental health while becoming physically healthy. To ensure you are able to make your mind and body connect, you must feel a connection with your instructor and often with your classmates.
Is Acro Yoga a Good Workout?
Any form of yoga is going to be a good workout for you to dive into. This is because forms of yoga, including acro yoga, make your body and mind work together to obtain the goal you have.
You will be able to focus on your body strength, mental strength, and inner peace with acro yoga. As you focus on your body and the positions you are trying to create your mind will work with you to guide your muscles to perform. Once you have obtained the connection between mind and body your focus will be narrowed in on your performance.
The 10 Best Acro Yoga Classes and Courses Online
When it comes to online courses you need to do research to ensure that you are getting what you want. You will need to pay attention to the information they provide and make sure you don’t pay money for something that is not the product or learning experience you are after.
The best acro yoga class to take online is the class that guides you through a journey that gives you everything you need to know to achieve your goal. The class will have a large amount of information and demonstrations provided for you to visualize and flow into yourself. The class instructor should also help you connect with yourself on a new level to achieve the goal you want.
Typically online classes make you able to move at your own pace and watch the videos as you go. Online courses assist with more time with your family, where you can focus on yourself and be in the next room over. It also can cost you less money as you do not have to travel and normally only pay one fee to access the information.
1. Alo Moves
The first class selected as one of the best acro yoga classes online is through “Alo Moves”. The classes through Alo Moves will bring you into another realm as the instructor uses your body, mind, and breathing to bring you through positions. The instructor is very concise in teaching and not rushing through the information.
The website Alo Moves allows you to access 32 videos on the topic of acro yoga. The 32 videos are broken down into three sections for you to learn from. The categories are:
- AcroYoga Solo Strength
- AcroYoga Partner Counterbalance
- Acroyoga fundamentals.
With the website Alo Moves, you are also able to access over 2500 yoga videos about all topics. To access the information you will have to become a member which costs a fee. The fee is $20 a month or $199 for a year.
2. CircAsana Online
The second class that was selected as one of the best online acro yoga classes is called CircAsana online. This course goes through 200 hours of teaching you about yoga and makes you capable of being able to teach it to others.
This site has a great setup to where you can solely learn online or you can mix it up and have both online and in-person sessions. With CircAsana you have three modules that you complete and receive a certification upon completion. The website lists the modules as the following names:
- “Center: Experience Mind and body”
- “Connect: Engage and Inspire”
- “Create: Ignite Your Genius”
This company also helps you complete the 200 hours by giving you two separate online options. You can utilize their six-week or twelve-week plan depending on your lifestyle. The six-week plan is more fast-paced and allows you to obtain the certificate quickly and learn the information fast. The 12-week plan allows you to maneuver around your everyday life to learn and obtain the certificate.
3. Glo
The third class that was selected as one of the best online acro yoga classes is through a site called “Glo”. The site Glo contains a large amount of data and classes to help you learn about any form of yoga, including Acro yoga.
This site houses over 4000 classes that you can have access to by paying a fee. The fee is $18 a month or $162 a year. Paying this fee gives you access to all the amenities that the company offers.
This site allows you to interact with instructors from all over the world as well. This can give you a perspective on yoga from every continent. They also have a feature that allows you to interact live in a class with these instructors versus just watching videos that they upload.
4. Udemy Acro Yoga for Beginners
The fourth class selected as one of the best Acro Yoga courses online is through the site Udemy. Udemy offers a beginner’s acro yoga class through its online website. The class allows you to work at your own pace and receive a certificate at the end of the course.
You will have access to 41 minutes of video footage and articles with endless access for the price of $13.99. When you complete this course you will be more connected to yourself and a partner if you decide to include another person.
Their class allows you to learn the basics of acro yoga and reach the next level by watching and participating. They provide step-by-step guides to ensure that you learn safely and efficiently.
(Need some more acro yoga for beginners? Check out that article!)
5. Seven Day Acro Yoga Challenge
The fifth best acro yoga class picked is a seven-day challenge through Yoga International. This seven-day course will allow your body to be guided into different poses to further your acro yoga knowledge.
The challenge allows the instructors to send you different poses daily for seven days. The different poses will come with instructions to ensure you follow the right steps to create them.
The poses that they list on their site are:
- Bird and Bow
- Throne and Throne presses
- Throne to Bird and Back
- Back Plank to Back Bird
- Hand balancing
- Foot to hand
- Candlestick
Each day you will have a new position to focus on and perfect your skills with. The website for Yoga International allows you a 30-day free trial to explore their many courses. You can become a member and have access to the seven-day challenge.
6. AcroMinCourse
The Acromincourse has everything you need to successfully learn Acro Yoga. There are over 40 different step-by-step videos that go over techniques crucial to learning acro.
There are over 12 different Acro Yoga portions that cover different positions you can master with a partner. Not only can you learn Acro Yoga through this course, but they teach you how to find a partner if you are starting out single, and they provide communication tips for maintaining your relationship.
Acro Yoga for beginners and intermediate Acro Yoga practitioners will both get value from the course as it covers easy and intricate positions.
You’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to properly perform:
- Progressions
- Transitions
- Jumps with hands connected
- Icarian Pops
- Juggling on Feet
The course places emphasis on having fun while learning your techniques so you can go at your own place and enjoy the full experience. You don’t need any background in Acro Yoga in order to start, just a curiosity to keep your motivation consistent.
7. Earth and Air Beginner Course
If you are looking for a comprehensive Acro Yoga course that will teach you the basics and get you in good shape then look no further than Earth and Air’s beginner Acro Yoga course.
The course goes through over 30 different Acro Yoga poses that are guided by experienced facilitators. These videos total just over two hours of footage that you can use to see visual examples of how the poses should be done.
Not only do you get videos, but each one comes with its own description so you can have the full context to understand exactly what needs to be done to hit your pose.
You can trust in the course because both instructors in the video are certified yoga instructors with over 300 hours of certification. Evan and Ashley are your instructors, and they’ve been able to share their wisdom and knowledge with over 20 different countries.
8. 7 Day Acro Challenge
Hosted by Chris Loebsack and Brian Davis on Yoga International, this 7-day acro challenge will get your body moving, and your coordination dialed in. It’s a perfect way to start learning how to do Acro Yoga because it focuses on only one movement a day.
Each day, for seven days, you are sent an email from Chris and Dave that focuses on one Acro yoga pose or transition. Each of the lessons is only two to four minutes long so they won’t take up much of your day.
You can take as much time on these poses as you want since you aren’t as restricted as you would be when attending classes in person.
The 7 Day Challenge not only shows you the poses and how you can activate them, but it also shows you:
- Acro etiquette
- Base and Flyer Roles
- Spotting for safety
Because you will be doing Acro yoga with a partner, learning the etiquette of how to treat your partner with respect will go a long way to reaching your goals. In addition, the more you can work with a teammate, the quicker you can learn the moves.
The base position is the one usually connected to the ground. It’s the more solid foundation position and is how the flyer can perform different movements. The flyer is usually held up by the base position and will do more acrobatic movements while being supported from the base.
Safety is always an important role when learning Acro Yoga and the 7 Day Challenge helps you to remain injury-free in its online course.
9. Star Tutorial by Acro Yoga
Another great course from Chris and Brian for acro beginners is the Star Tutorial. This is a perfect starting place for getting your feet wet in Acro Yoga.
The course is a four-minute video that demonstrates different ways you can practice the star position.
In the first part of the video, you will watch as Chris and Brian silently show you how the star position works by demonstrating it themselves. This should give you a good base to start watching the rest of the video.
The second part breaks down, piece by piece, exactly what the base and flyer are supposed to be doing in the star pose. You can see step-by-step where your hand and feet positions are supposed to be because Chris and Brian explain it thoroughly.
In the third part of the video, Chris and Brian bring in a third person to show you exactly how you would use a spotter when practicing the star pose.
10. Foundations Course
Perfect for beginners who need a solid foundation for their Acro Yoga journey, the Foundations course from Yoga International gives you everything you need to get started.
Here is everything you will get when you sign up for the Foundations course:
- Warm-Ups (solo + partner)
- Strength Training (solo + partner)
- Safe, Approachable Inversion Training
- Foundations for Flying + Basing + Spotting
- All the Basics on Acrobatic Flying
- Introduction to Standing Acrobatics
- Therapeutic Flying Poses
- Yoga Asana Sequences (solo + partner)
- Smart Recovery + Mobility Training
- Easy-to-Follow Thai Massage Instruction
- (Source)
The course focuses on being simple and achievable to give people of all skill levels a chance to learn Acro Yoga.
The course includes up to 120 minutes of step-by-step instructions on how to complete various Acro Yoga poses. There are even two different Asana sequences you can import and use to follow along and stay organized.
Not only does the Foundations Course give you videos that help visually explain how to do your poses, it also includes 4 different worksheets. These worksheets act as supporting materials to reinforce the lessons you learn throughout your course.
When you finish the course, you don’t have to leave empty-handed because you will be given an official certification for your hard work.
Is Acro Yoga Good for You?
Acro Yoga is good for your mental and physical health because it combines the emotional release of meditation with the world’s most popular form of exercise (yoga) while introducing a fourth element: acrobatics.
Acro Yoga takes patience and understanding to accomplish many moves, but your mind will be constantly engaged in new ways as you work through perplexing postures.
The constant changes from repetition, irregular breathing patterns, and being upside down helps train the brain to relax. These are all components that are needed in order to experience high-quality brain wave activity, which can lead to deep sleep cycles.
Acro Yoga releases cortisol, a hormone that aids fat cells when levels fluctuate during stressful times so Acro Yogis will enjoy firmer muscles without having big bulky muscles.
A study from the Journal of American Medical Association found that Acro Yoga was one exercise program among many in which participants experienced a significant reduction in stress levels and anxiety, as well as an increase in mindfulness awareness. The physical postures also have mental benefits because they force you to be present with your body rather than wishing things were different.
It’s important to know your body and take care of it before you start Acro Yoga. You will need a partner for some exercises so if you don’t have one then make sure that you get in touch with someone who can help before starting the course.
Acro Yoga is not an easy exercise, but it’s accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. Learn how to become an Acro Yoga Instructor to make this wonderful exercise more accessible for everyone!
Is Acro Yoga Really Yoga?
Acro Yoga is absolutely a version of yoga and is very real. Acro Yoga is the act of combining two incredible body-moving forms together to create a powerful connection. Acro Yoga works best with two people as you move your bodies together like you are dancing with positions. This can also help bring couples closer together.
When you become involved with acro yoga you are not only learning new positions and maneuvers that work well together. You will be connecting with yourself and diving deep into everything that you are. If you participate with a partner you will become more connected on an emotional and physical level.
The Best Acro Yoga Online Courses
After taking these courses you can share your knowledge in your own yoga studio or through social media. Check out the ways yoga influencers make money!
You don’t have to get out of your home to start learning Acro Yoga because the online courses above will teach you everything you need to get started. Use patience when practicing to avoid injuries and go through a course several times if you feel you need more instructions.
Discovering your inner mantra and learning about yoga can impact your life positively. Discovering a love for Acro Yoga and practicing alone and with others can also help your mind and body in a positive way. Learning this topic will not disappoint as you are walking into a world of peace and comfort.