ou have heard that power yoga can be beneficial to one’s mental and physical health, but you may be wondering exactly what it is and if it can satisfy your desire to get a good physical and mental workout at the same time. The key to a well-balanced life is finding something that will stimulate you mentally and physically and practicing it regularly.
Power yoga sequences are a great way to work your entire body and strengthen your mind. Poses can be done in sequences that are changed regularly to keep your mind and body from getting into a rut. Regularly changing poses in your sequence will also ensure that you are working your entire body.
If you want to learn more about power yoga so you can achieve the maximum mental and physical health benefits continue reading this article for helpful information and sequence ideas.
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What is Power Yoga?
For those who may not be familiar with power yoga, we will give a brief introduction in this section. There are 11 forms of yoga they all focus on different aspects of the mind and body and are listed alphabetically below:
- Anusara yoga
- Ashtanga yoga
- Bikram yoga
- Hatha yoga
- Iyengar yoga
- Jivamukti yoga
- Kundalini yoga
- Prenatal yoga
- Restorative yoga
- Vinyasa yoga
- Yin yogaz
Power yoga is said to be a mixture of the Vinyasa and Ashtanga styles of yoga and is done as a way to build and maintain your muscle strength while also providing cardiovascular benefits.
The Ashtanga yoga style is more physically demanding and is typically done in repetitive sequences. This style of yoga is typically practiced by more experienced yogis.
Vinyasa yoga uses breath to flow from one pose to another and is generally led by an instructor who has premeditated the sequences and will guide the class from one pose to the next.
Combining Eastern Practices With Western Styles
Power yoga was created in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a way to attract westerners by blending traditional yoga with a more fast-paced approach that is generally synchronized with music to create the mood. People more are inclined to practice power yoga versus traditional yoga as it has more of a gym-like vibe to the class.
Power yoga can be challenging as you will be changing poses quickly, as opposed to other forms of yoga where you have a predictable series of poses that you generally will always go through at a much slower pace.
You will find that as you progress and become familiar and more comfortable with the poses your instructor will become change the routine from class to class to keep you from getting bored and also give your body a more well-rounded workout.
What Makes a Power Yoga Sequence Great?
Power yoga sequences are great for people who live busy lives or simply like to accomplish multiple goals at one time. If you want to get a good workout and revive your spirit at the same time then power yoga is likely a great option for you.
Here we will discuss what helps to make a well-planned power yoga sequence. If a power yoga sequence has these attributes it will be more beneficial.
Keep It Simple – Create Attainable Goals
A well-made power yoga sequence will have poses that a person of any skill or experience level can perform. This will allow for a smoother flow and transition between poses and mean that the individual will likely continue the workouts rather than give up because the poses are too advanced.
As one progresses and becomes more experienced, they can try more difficult sequences to create a more challenging mind and body workout.
Themes to Bring Focus as You Workout
It can be helpful to assign a theme to a power yoga sequence. A theme can be used as a focal point or goal during your workout.
Common themes that people use for their power sequences are as follows:
- Anatomical themes that focus on strengthening areas of the body
- Seasonal: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter
- Spiritual and inner reflection
Keep It Fresh – Rotate Sequences Frequently
Sequences that change poses often to keep your mind and body from getting lazy
If practicing in a class setting having a good instructor who knows the poses and practices the sequences will lead to a more productive session with better results.
The same applies when practicing solo, if you remember to switch your sequences up every so often your body and mind will get a more thorough workout.
Continue reading for three great examples of power yoga sequences that can help you accomplish your goals for optimum physical and mental health.
3 Great Power Yoga Sequence Examples
It is always good to warm up before a workout to prevent injury and get your blood pumping. It can be helpful to have warm-up exercises that flow seamlessly into the sequence so you can get right to the workout without pausing.
1. Chair, Squat, Lunge Sequence
Begin with a warm-up of your choice. When you are ready simply flow into the series beginning with the chair pose.
This is the order in which you will flow through your poses:
- Chair pose
- Squat
- Chair pose
- Lunge
Chair Pose
For this pose, pretend that you are sitting in a chair in a forward-leaning position. Extend your arms to the sky as you keep your head and neck in a straight line with your body and arms.
Squat Pose
Then, move your left foot to the left to widen your stance. Once you have a firm stance, extend both arms straight out to each side. Bend your arms at the elbows so they are at a ninety-degree angle.
Next, bring your left leg back to its original position and repeat the chair pose.
Lunge Pose
Take your left foot and extend your leg behind you into a lunge position. Keep your arms straight out at your sides as though you are pretending to be an airplane.
Follow this sequence 10 times then switch to the right leg and repeat another 10 times.
2. Warrior, Lunge Sequence
As always, following your warm-up, you will flow into the sequence which will begin with the warrior 3 pose.
This is the order in which you will flow through your poses:
- Warrior 3
- Lunge
- Warrior 3
- Curtsy Squat
- Warrior 3
Warrior 3 Pose
To create the warrior 3 pose begin by standing, then lift your left knee and inhale. Next, you will bend at the waist as you stretch your left leg behind you to form a ninety-degree angle. Simultaneously as you are stretching your leg behind you, straighten your arms in front of you to create a T-shape with your body.
Lunge Pose
Transition from the warrior 3 pose into the lunge pose that was discussed in the first sequence.
Warrior 3 Pose
Transition back into the warrior 3 pose from the Lunge pose.
Curtsy Squat Pose
Next, from the warrior 3 pose, you will flow into a curtsy squat pose. A curtsy squat is done by bending your knee and bringing the opposite leg behind the leg you are standing on to bend into a curtsy-style pose. Place your palms together and keep your elbows slightly out to the side as you are dipping into your curtsy.
Warrior 3 Pose
Once you have completed the curtsy squat you will transition back into the warrior 3 pose.
As with the first sequence, you will Follow this sequence 10 times then switch to the right leg and repeat another 10 times.
3. 10 Minute Weight Loss and Body Toning Sequence
This is a great workout for people of all skill levels. It is recommended that this sequence be done for at least five days per week. After a month you should be able to see considerable results and you will feel better. Coming from your warm-up you will flow into the first pose which will be the goddess squat.
This is the order in which you will flow through your poses:
- Goddess squat
- Pulse
- Downward dog
- Downward dog with leg lift
- Child pose
- Downward dog into a lunge
- Downward dog stretch
- Standing to lunge exercise
- Cat pose with transitions
- Toe touches
Goddess Squat
Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your torso straight you will bend at your knees as close to a ninety-degree angle as you are able. Exhale while bending and use your arms to scoop up an imaginary load of laundry.
Then inhale as you return to the upright position. As you are raising from the bent position you will fling the imaginary laundry into the air, letting your fingertips touch briefly and bring your arms back to your center. This is done in a quick fluid movement. Repeat this movement 30 times for the best results.
When you have finished the repetitions, stay in the same position and gently pulse up and down with your hands on your hips for 10 repetitions. Then stretch your arms up as you did in the goddess squat three times and repeat the pulse exercise for another 10 repetitions. Complete one more series of repetitions before flowing to the next part of the sequence.
Downward Dog
From the pulse exercise, you will transition into a downward dog pose. For this pose, you want to be sure that you are keeping your entire core tight and your shoulders in a locked position so your whole body benefits from the pose rather than just your legs.
To achieve the downward dog pose simply place your hands on the floor slightly farther apart than your shoulders to give you a good base. Do the same with your feet behind you and extend your backside into the air to form a triangle.
Downward Dog With Leg Lift
From the downward dog pose, you will take your left leg and raise it behind you in the air as though you were going to touch the back of your head. Then quickly pull your knee to your chin and repeat 10 times.
As you are lifting and lowering your leg use the point your toes and rock with the opposite leg to get a more complete workout. Switch to the right leg and repeat 10 times. Do this until you have completed 30 repetitions with each leg.
Child Pose
When you complete the downward dog with the leg lift you will flow into a child pose which can easily be achieved by carefully sitting on your knees and bending forward as though making a low bow to a member of royalty. In this pose your arms will be stretched out in front of you. Hold this pose for 15 seconds before transitioning into the next part of the sequence.
Downward Dog Into a Lunge
Transition from the child pose back into the downward dog position. This exercise is very similar to the downward dog with the leg lift but instead of simply bringing your knee to your chest you will bring your foot between your arms into a lunge style position.
While in the lunge position pulse three times before extending your leg to the ceiling again. Do this 10 times and repeat with the opposite leg until you have completed 30 repetitions with each leg. Briefly stretch in the downward dog pose before transitioning to the next phase of the sequence.
Standing to Lunge Exercise
Stand straight up. Raise your arms to the sky then bring them down to the floor with palms down as you bend at the waist. Once your palms are on the floor you will take your left leg into a lunge position. Return to the standing position once again and repeat at least 10 times before switching to the opposite leg.
Cat Pose with Transitions
This exercise will begin on all fours. Next, you will extend your left leg out so that it is parallel with the floor. Then inhale as you raise it up as high as you are able and exhale as you lower it to the ground without actually touching the ground.
After at least 10 repetitions you will then bring your leg our and rotate your hip and leg in a clockwise motion for 10 repetitions. Then repeat the exercise in a counter-clockwise motion. Repeat 10 times as well.
Next switch to the opposite leg and follow the same instructions. Remain in the cat pose and with your left leg bent point your toes toward the sky and lift up while keeping your knee as close to a ninety-degree angle as possible. Repeat 10 times and switch to the other leg.
After you have completed your cat pose transitions take a brief rest in the child pose for about 15 seconds and then lie flat on your back with your arms stretched above your head.
Toe Touches
As you are lying on your back you will exhale and sit up. Try to touch your toes if you can, then inhale and lay back again. Repeat this at least 10 times if possible.
It is almost like doing a situp with the exception that your legs remain straight during the exercise. When you have completed your repetitions, stretch forward and hold your toes gently pulling back to complete the stretch.
The recommended amount of repetitions in this sequence are guidelines, they are not written in stone. Do as many as you are able to do and what feels right to you. If 30 repetitions are too many try dropping it to 15 or 20 until you have built up your strength.
If you would like to know more about how to create a personalized power yoga sequence continue reading.
Creating a Personalized Power Yoga Sequence
When creating a personalized yoga sequence consider the following things:
- Are there any areas of your body that you need to focus on more than others?
- Are you trying to lose weight or just improve your overall health?
- Do you like music or prefer to go to your own beat while you practice?
- What are you looking to get out of your workout?
Asking yourself these questions can help you to create the best possible sequence for your personal situation and allow you to fully immerse yourself in the workout experience.
Taking the time to learn all of the poses and apply the ones that work best for your goals is the best way to create personalized power yoga sequences that produce the best results.
Power Yoga Gives Strenght and Inspires Personal Growth
If you are on a journey to strengthen your mind, body, and soul then power yoga sequences may be what you have been looking for. Power yoga offers a complete body workout that can push you to your limits and show you how strong you really are. You will leave your sessions feeling invigorated, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle any challenges that present themselves.
And if you want to take it down a notch and have a more relaxing yoga session a yin yoga sequence would be perfect for that!