he average person spends roughly 7 hours online in a typical day. Those hours include streaming videos, surfing websites, engaging on social media, texting and more.
A lot of what we do online is mindless, but what if there was a way you could promote using the internet to increase mindfulness?
Perhaps you could harness the power of the internet to build a business. One that will spread joy, serenity and a sense of community to the public. A business that will increase users’ emotional and physical health, allowing them to lead more productive and content lives.
And that business is yoga. Now is the perfect time if you have any online yoga business ideas. As more and more people are spending their free time online, it’s a wonderful time to begin teaching yoga online. People want to practice yoga in the comfort of their own home as it’s easy and convenient.
An increasing amount of money is being spend on online classes, so why not share your knowledge of yoga with people throughout the world?
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Pros and Cons of having an Online Yoga Business
When you begin working on your online yoga business ideas, remember that there are some pros and cons of running an online yoga business. There may be some tough times, times when you may be thinking of throwing in the towel. We’re not going to sugarcoat it. But, if you have a great plan and work hard, you should be able to get through the hard times and achieve success.
If you want to be even more prepared to start your online yoga business check out the best online yoga business courses in that article!
Check out this list of the some of pros and cons of running an online yoga business:
An online yoga class is easier to commit to – students will be practicing from the comfort of their own home, so they won’t have to worry about traffic, weather, or even what they’re wearing when attending a yoga class online.
- It could be harder to grow a following if classes are not at a specific time: If you are just selling videos of your classes, students may have a hard time committing as they aren’t required to be in a class at a specific time. Think about life-streaming some of your classes so that students will have to “show up” as a certain day and time. This commitment will allow them to get hooked on your classes and come back for more!
- Your students’ safety could be compromised: If your students are not right in front of you, where you can see them, they could pick up some bad habits when watching one of your classes. So, it’s up to you to make sure you are guiding views safely and securely through their poses. And you’ll have to be well-educated in alternative poses and adjustments and offer them just in case you may have a viewer who needs them.
- Technical issues could interrupt a class: You could be in the middle of teaching a calm and serene yoga class and then poof!, your internet goes out. It could happen and you’ll just have to go with the flow. If a class is interrupted or even abruptly canceled due to faulty internet, you could placate your students by offering a free class. That kind of commitment to excellence could cause your students to stick by your side through thick and thin.
- Online yoga classes are less expensive: Because you’ll have less overhead (you won’t need to pay rent on a space, or pay for utilities, gas for your car, etc.) you’ll be able to price your classes for less. That could mean more students. And those students perhaps wouldn’t not have been able to pay the high cost of an in-person class. So, you’ll be able to spread calmness and serenity to a larger community of students.
How much do online yoga teachers make?
An online yoga teacher can earn up to $4,200 a month when running their own online studio. But that is the extreme and it can take years to make that much. A typical yoga teacher generally makes around $37,000 per year.
Online yoga teachers (and in-person yoga teachers, for that matter) can employ a variety of easy methods to increase their earnings substantially.
Keep reading as we talk about some great online yoga business ideas to boost your income and what you need for a successful online yoga business plan.
5 Solid Online Yoga Business Ideas
You may think that once you get your online yoga teacher training certificate, you’ll spend all your working hours teaching yoga. However, being a yoga teacher means you’ll have to get yourself out there as an online yogi, spreading the message. There is so much more that a person can do to increase their worth, make themselves valuable, and attract customers. So, the hard work doesn’t stop once that all-important certificate is in your hands.
The great thing about starting a yoga business online is that you’ll be able to reach a much wider audience than if you run a traditional brick and mortar studio. So, creating an organized and well-managed online yoga business could potentially attract and keep more clients than you could imagine.
Below, we’ll give you five of the most solid online yoga business ideas. You may have the knowledge and be highly qualified to teach yoga, but we’ll give you the tools to shine, grow your business and be successful.
1. Create a great website!
Your website should attract clients. It should be easy to use, well-organized and stand out from the rest. You have a few options here. If you’re a techie, you could code your own website. If not, you could host your website on a platform that has the functionality to easily plug in info to create the site of your dreams. Or you could hire a marketing firm to develop a website that uses UX and other strategies.
2. On-going education
Of course you want to educate your students on the right ways to practice yoga. But don’t forget about yourself. You should always be learning. And there is a lot of things for you to learn: new styles of yoga, philosophy, safe adjustments, to name a few. You could also take business or coding classes to broaden your knowledge. Or learn Ayurveda and other branches of yoga.
(Check out some of the best online yoga courses!)
3. Broad your business reach
Perhaps you plan to primarily livestream your yoga classes via subscription. That’s a great way to attract and keep clients. But think about other marketing schemes. You could sell yoga instruction videos from iTunes for download. You could run online yoga workshops.
And don’t forget about branded products. Your faithful online clients will be clamoring to wear t-shirts with your brand logo on them, use your branded water bottles, or even use lotions or soaps using your brand.
4. Become a social media influencer
If you post engaging content, you’ll attract not only followers, but brands who want to collaborate with you. Here are some of the top yoga influencers on Instagram that will prove to you that this is a solid business goal. It’s as easy as taking great photos and pairing them with engaging messaging. Again, you could hire a marketing firm to help you out. But, if you’re successful as an influencer, you could make money by selling branded merchandise and entering partnerships. To learn more about ways yoga influencer make money, check out that link.
5. Consult with other yoga companies
If you find that you have a particular knack for marketing, why not become a consultant for other online yoga businesses. You could run a social media account, code a website, write yoga nidra scripts, or consult on marketing strategy with yoga and meditation businesses. You could help out your fellow yogis, allowing them to successfully spread the message of yoga to their clients.
What's needed for an online yoga business plan?
Before you embark on your online yoga business ideas, you’ll need to have a business plan. You’ll want to go into it well-prepared. In fact, the more prepared you are, the easier time you’ll have when your business is getting off the ground.
And a well-crafted business plan will make it easier to approach potential investors/partners. They’ll see that you have the acumen to run a successful online yoga business.
Here are some items you’ll want on your business plan:
1. How will you stand apart from the pack?
Brainstorm to find what will be special or unique about your yoga studio. What will set you apart from the rest of the pack. You will want people to take notice of your business. So, think of what you can offer that is fresh and new. A new deal, a new way to offer online yoga, or a new way to fill a need in the community.
You’ll also need to decide who your audience will be – highly experienced Ashtanga practitioners or brand-new Hatha yoga students.
2. How will you market your business?
One of the keys to realizing your online yoga business ideas is a successful marketing plan. You’ll need to discover your audience and then decide how to spread the word of your new business to them. You could do a mix of email marketing and social media posts, for instance. For a great marketing plan, it doesn’t hurt to consult with a marketing firm. They’ve got the research and the know-how to help you get noticed and stand out from the competition.
3. How much cash will you need?
The next step is to decide how much money you will need to run your business as well as project how much revenue you will take in. By creating an in-depth cash flow statement, you’ll know how much money you’ll need for those lean times. Plus, it will show your investors and partners that you are taking responsibility for your finances and not leaving them to change.
4. Who will be working with you?
Clearly define in your business plan who will manage your business. Show investors that you hire only the best. List your management team’s qualifications and past experiences. Promote a high level of professionalism to illustrate to clients, investors and partners that your management team is as invested in building a successful business as you are.
Wrapping up
We’ve gone through the pros and cons of running an online yoga business, tips for success and guidelines for writing a great business plan. There is a lot you need to know. And, you don’t have to do it all yourself. You can hire marketers and coders to help make the process of starting an online yoga business easier and more streamlined.
However you choose to create your dream, educating yourself in starting an online yoga business, understand the pros and cons, and facing reality head on will make it more likely that you and your business with thrive!
(If you are looking for a model company, check out My Vinyasa Practice review!)